
Regular program enriched with NTC Learning System

In the kindergarten, we implement a regular 10-hour educational program. In regular educational work with children of early and preschool age, we put specific emphasis on educators who should be as empathetic as possible, who should be able to see and hear the child’s needs and interests and aim to make them happy.  In addition to a high-quality and empathetic educator, we try to create an environment that the children will immediately find interesting and that will encourage them to play, while sometimes even holding their mother’s hand. We would particularly like to emphasize that this happens during the period of children’s adaptation to kindergarten since it represents a critical moment for the child and the parents that we are not yet sufficiently aware of! The duration of adaptation varies, and it is necessary to give your child as much time as they need. During this period, each child should get as much personalized attention as needed, and to try to get their interests and wishes fulfilled. You should also show them, through your behavior and actions, that you understand them and that you want to help them as much as possible. The child must be convinced of all of this, and that is why they check to see if what you are saying is true, if your behavior is positive, or if you are saying one thing and doing another! Children learn by doing, exploring, and participating in various activities with other children – older and younger ones. Therefore, we truly give the environment the role of an additional educator. The environment should be stimulating and inviting to children, and the choice of centers, corners, or workshops should be well designed using materials from different areas, as well as structured and arranged throughout the space so that children can move from one part to the other relatively easily. We find it important that the environment in which children live changes continuously as the children’s interests and needs change. The research competence of educators is particularly expressed in the quality of change. In accordance with this and in the desire to further encourage children's development, from September 2023 our regular educational program will be enriched with NTC elements of learning.

Regular program enriched with NTC Learning System
Regular program enriched with NTC Learning System
Regular program enriched with NTC Learning System


Sports program

Sports program

Today’s lifestyle, characterized by hustle and bustle, leads to an extremely low representation of physical activities in our lives, including the lives of children of preschool age. We know that physical activities...
English language

English language

Children up to the age of eight demonstrate their maximum ability for acquiring language as a means of communication and the maximum sense for language-related melody. Preschool age is the best time to get acquainted...
STEM program

STEM program

STEM označava kraticu za područja koje se bave znanošću, tehnologijom, inženjerstvom i matematikom. Ali kako  znanost povezati s predškolskom dobi, je li prerano da djeca upoznaju takve pojmove. Odgovor je ne, za...


The story of the abacus begins in Mesopotamia, with pebbles in the sand. Over a long period of time, the idea traveled across the continent to reach Japan in the Edo period. During that period, priests in temples...
Acting program

Acting program

Today, children are exposed to various media, from television and the Internet to mobile phones, which often attract a lot of attention from viewers, without actually offering a real experience. We believe that it is...
Rhythmic activities and dance

Rhythmic activities and dance

The goal of the creative dance program is to familiarize children with the art of dance through artistic experience and expression, for them to acquire basic dance knowledge and skills, to discover and develop dance...
German language

German language

There are many reasons to learn German, it is the most widespread mother tongue in Europe and one of the three working languages of the European Union. Croatia is visited annually by more than two million...
Let's play! - one on one sessions with psychologist

Let's play! - one on one sessions with psychologist

Even ancient thinkers had already recognized the importance of play; Plato said that we learn more about a person in an hour of play than in a lifetime of conversation. This sentence actually says how open, relaxed,...

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Our kindergarten is a place in which a child has the opportunity to live their childhood to the fullest.

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