Balthazar's House
The Balthazar’s House facility accommodates six mixed groups of children aged one to school age. All of our previous experiences have professionally enriched us and irreversibly change our opinion regarding the assumption that groups should be formed by chronological age. Our experience speaks in favor of the fact that all children (regardless of their age) should have proper and natural conditions to acquire knowledge and skills by doing and participating in activities with other children, regardless of age, in all areas of science and art. The role of kindergarten professionals is to enable them to interact with children of different ages in various spaces on a daily basis. Growing up, children are willing to expand their horizons in accordance with their needs, and we are here to support that. We are no longer surprised by the freedom or the rich and productive cooperation between children of different ages. Every day and all over again we are amazed by the tenderness and patience shown by older children when communicating with the youngest ones, or the need of the younger ones to prove themselves, stand out, and belong to the groups of older children. Variety enables natural living and true coexistence of children!